OUR VISION AND MISSION: It is a community where everyone working as one man we are firmly committed to a better future where the community and its people move toward God-given potential:
• Preparing to progress beyond meeting their basic needs.
• We have a growing group of Christians who love God and neighbor, to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit and to give to serve others.
Three Associated Groups: Churches, Leaders, Families: If we are not careful, the VDC can be considered as a target parallel to the projects, instead of integrated results from any action you make FPND. VDC is not a program. It is the goal. To help integrate three partner groups and objectives guide the planning, implementation and evaluation. All FPND activity should contribute to these three objectives VDC. We must seriously question anything that does not. Why chose these three groups? God made the election in his plans for the communities.
• The churches are the key vehicle of God to advance His Kingdom. (Eph. 3:10-11). Objective: Churches are increasingly reaching his community.
• Leaders are chosen by God to govern and protect a community (Heb. 13:17). Objective: Leaders resolved, increasingly, the problems in their community.
• Families are the foundation of God for society (Gn.2: 18) Objective: The families meet, increasingly,, their mutual needs.
The Churches in a Community: "Church" is specified groups of people followers of Jesus Christ in a local community. The term does not mean buildings. By "reach" we mean a holistic approach, meet the physical, social, spiritual and mental. In practical terms, we relate to the churches as follows:
• We respect the role of local churches. If we neglect, FPND can be used in a community and forget the local church. We want the glory be to God and the churches, not to FPND.
• Serve and train church leaders. We equip churches with vision, training and examples of how to help others. Do not ask the churches to serve the agenda of programs or FPND, but we help them discover God's plan using their own resources.
• Participated with local churches. All staff must participate in a local church. In doing so, we draw. We also help our local church to give to others. This can happen in our church and the community.
Families in a Community: By "family" we mean the family (parents and children) and other relatives (grandparents, uncles and cousins). Children are of particular importance because they are the key to the future. In practical terms, we relate to families as follows:
• The respect and build. We recognize parents as the authority of God over every family.
• We train and prepare its members. We share biblical principles about God's intentions for the family and help them apply these principles. We prepare parents so they can provide for the physical, spiritual, social and mental health of children.
The Bible does not find the words "vision of a community." There are, however, a related phrase that is larger and more powerful: The Kingdom of God. Even the kingdom of God being infinitely greater than anything imaginable, provides a biblical basis for the VDC. In other words, the best thing that can happen is that the Kingdom of God to transform everything in a community: churches, leaders and families